Justerbar Fotosensitiv LDR Lysføler Relæ Module – 12V

kr.45.00 inkl. moms

Justerbar Fotosensitiv LDR Lysføler Relæ Module – 12V.

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Justerbar Fotosensitiv LDR Lysføler Relæ Module – 12V er et lysfølsomme LDR-relæmodul 12V som automatisk kan styre en belastning såsom et natsikkerhedslys baseret på det omgivende lysniveau.

Tekniske detaljer:

Main chip: LM393
Working Voltage: 12V
Load Power: AC 250V/10A, DC 30V/10A
Dimensions: 53 x 31 x 20mm L x W x H

1. photoresistors module is most sensitive to ambient light, generally used to detect the brightness of the ambient light.
2. when the ambient light is darker than the threshold value is set, the relay is energized, the common terminal and the normally start is turned on, when external ambient light is brighter than the set threshold value, the relay is switched off, the common terminal and the normally closed end connected.
3. the public side, normally open, normally closed three ports, the equivalent of a dual-control switch, relay coil power, public end and often the beginning of conduction, radio, public end normally closed terminal conduction.

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