NodeMcu TTGO ESP8266 Wroom Battery Udviklingsboard

kr.165.00 inkl. moms

NodeMcu TTGO ESP8266 Wroom Battery Udviklingsboard.

Info: Pin Header Medfølger.

På lager

NodeMcu TTGO ESP8266 Wroom Battery Udviklingsboard er et meget populært Udviklingsboard. Basseret på ESP8266 Wroom chippen.

Tekniske detaljer:

Dimension: 92 x  26 x 20 mm(LxWxH).
Weight: 25 gm.
Charging/Discharge Protection: Yes
Compatible With Arduino and NodeMCU
Wide Voltage Input Range: 5V~12V
Chip: ESP8266-Wroom
USB Converter: CP2102
Charge Current:500 mA
One AD inputs.
Micro USB inputs.
OnBoard programmable LED (D16).
Integrated 18650 battery charging and discharging system.
LED indicator – green – fully charged, red – charging.
OLED’s SDA and SCL connect to the D1 pin and the D2 pin respectively.
The five buttons are controlled by FLATH, RSET, D5, D6, and D7 respectively.
The 5 Digital pins can configure the write/read/interrupt/PWM/I2C/one-wire supported separately.
Operation and NodeMCU consistent, adding a programmable LED, you can use GPIO16 to control, display 8266 running status and other functions. Integrated OLED and five buttons, more convenient for development.
The design concept originates from the open source project NodeMCU, and the development board integrates 18650 charging and discharging systems with charging and discharging protection. At the same time, an OLED and five directional buttons are integrated to facilitate the development.



Før du kan starte din programmering skal Arduino’s IDE software hentes. Dette program bruges til at programmere chippen.

Download fra dette link: Downlaod

Inden programmeringen kan udfæres skal den rigtige “COM” port findes. Klik “Værktøj/Port” – og vælg COM port.

Installere Driver (CH340g)

På nogle computer skal der ikke bruges en driver da windows selv finder ud af det. men med en CP2102 USB chip skal computer i nogle tilfælde have en driver den kan downloades her.

Download: CH340g Driver (Windows 32 bit)
Download: CH340g Driver (Windows 64 bit)

Download: CH340g Driver (Prøv denne driver hvis de andre ikke virker)
Efter du har downloaded .Zip filen, åbner du mappen og klikker på “CH341SER”, Åben “SETUP” og installere.

Har du problemer med at få installeret driveren kan du hente hjælp HER.

Installere ESP package (Arduino IDE)

  • Åben Arduino IDE (Download her)
  • Klik “Fil/Egenskaber”
  • Indtast dette link i feltet “Additionel Board Manager URL’s”
  • Link “
  • Klik OK
  • Åben “Værktøj/Board/Boards manager” (Lad programmet opdatere)
  • Find “ESP8266” og installere
  • Klik derefter “Værktøj/Board” og find (ThaiEasyElec’s ESPino)
  • Du er nu klar til at sende en kode


Her viser vi et hurtig eksempel på hvordan du får modules “BUILTIN_LED” til at blinke.


const short int BUILTIN_LED1 = 16 ; //GPIO16

void setup() {
pinMode(BUILTIN_LED1, OUTPUT); // Initialize the BUILTIN_LED1 pin as an output


void loop() {
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED1, LOW); // Turn the LED ON by making the voltage LOW
delay(5000); // Wait for a second
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED1, HIGH); // Turn the LED off by making the voltage HIGH
//digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED2, HIGH); // Turn the LED off by making the voltage HIGH
delay(5000); // Wait for a seconds


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