Justerbar Termisk Temperatur Relæ Module – 12V

kr.45.00 inkl. moms

Justerbar Termisk Temperatur Relæ Module – 12V.

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Justerbar Termisk Temperatur Relæ Module – 12V kan manuelt styres, og justeres med det potmeter som er på moduler, behøver ingen styring.

Termisk temperatursensorer er sensorer, der kan konstrueres på forskellige måder. Såkaldte termistorer, også kaldet NTC-termistorer (NTC = negativ temperaturkoefficient), reducerer deres modstand med stigende temperatur.

Tekniske detaljer:

Supply voltage: 12VDC
Current: Greater than 150mA
Load: 250V 10A AC or 30V 10A DC

Directions for use:
1. The thermistor module is sensitive to the ambient temperature, which is generally used to detect the ambient temperature. The water temperature can be detected by replacing the waterproof thermistor sensor.
2. When the ambient temperature of the module exceeds the set threshold, the relay pulls and the common end is connected with the normal start. When the ambient temperature is lower than the set threshold, the relay i s disconnected and the common end is connected with the normally closed end.
3.The three ports of the common end, normally open and normally closed are equivalent to a double-control switch. when the relay coil has electricity, the common end conducts with the normal beginning, when there is no electricity, the common end conducts with the normally closed end.

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